For the moment, logic jump blocks don't suggest hidden fields to do logic jump with. They only suggest questions asked during the conversation and variables you created within the conversation using the "set variable" or "calculation" blocks.
To be able to do logic jumps with your hidden fields, you need to create a variable that equals your hidden fields.
Let's take an example.
I created a customer support chatbot available within user's sessions. I dynamically send to my chatbot, the name, the email and the user plan.
We have some rules to define a customer support issue as "urgent":
- the user has to be on a plus plan
- the user has to have a critical issue
In case the request is urgent, we send an email to our customer support team with "urgent" in the title.
To do that, we need to create a variable "user_plan" and makes it equal to our hidden field "JB_user_plan".
Then we are able to create a condition on it.
That's it!
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