With variables, you can recall information anywhere. It makes your conversations more personal and boosts your process. Here’s how to get started.
Use variables during the conversation
Reuse information collected, the ones you already have (hidden fields) or the ones you created during your conversation makes your chatbot more personal. Your chatbot is able to register information and reuse it later in a sentence, a calculation or a logic jump.
For example, you can ask the user his first name and then say "Nice to meet you John/Paul/Other".
Here is what to do:
1. Ask for the name and save the answer under the variable name you want.
2. Reuse the variable in another block
3. Tadam!
In the case, you already have the first name with hidden fields, it's simple.
1. Let's say you want to send a customer feedback survey to your customer list. Here is how looks like your Joonbot URL.
2. To be able to call your customer by his name you call your first name hidden field using {{}}.
Also, If you made an estimate using the "set variable" and "calculation" blocks and want to share it with your users, it's also very simple, you always use {{}}.
Use variables in logic jumps
You can do logic jumps with all the data you have: data collected with your questions, variables you created during the conversation flow with the "set variable block" and hidden fields.
Hidden fields are not suggested for the moment in the "IF" list of logic jump block.
To be able to use your hidden fields, you have to create a variable with the "set variable" block and assign the value of your hidden field to this new variable.
Use variables to send an email
Sometimes, you need to send users or your team member an email.
For example, if you create a customer support chatbot, you probably want to send a confirmation email with the details of the conversation to the customers.
Here is an example:
1. Take the customer demand and ask for his email you'll save under the variable name, for example, "customer_email".
2. Add a "Send email" block and fill the "To" field with the variable name "customer_email"
Now, you have now two choices.
3.a. You can use our {{conversation}} variable to have the detail of the conversation.
3.b. You can save the data collected you need under the variable names you want and add those variables in your message.
4. That's it!
Use variables with Google Sheets integration
If you want to send data to Google Sheets, the same applies.
Use variables with Zapier
When you set up a Zap, you'll find all answers to questions and variables you have created. However, you will not find your hidden fields.
When you need to use the hidden field data, write it directly in Zapier with {{}} like that:
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