Adding your chatbot to your Shopify account is really simple and can be done in less than a minute!
Install your chatbot as a widget:
1. Open up your Shopify admin, that’s the place where you manage your products and orders.
2. Go into the online store page that you'll find in the middle left of your screen in the Shopify admin.
3. Click the Actions button, it will reveal a dropdown, then click the 'Edit code' button.
4. Click the file named 'theme.liquid' you'll find near the top of the file explorer section on the left of your screen, under 'Layout'. This will open up the file that you need to edit.
5. Copy the Joon snippet code you'll find, in the Configure tab and in the 'Share' section of your bot in your Joonbot account. Paste the code in between the opening and closing <head> tags into our theme.liquid file.
6. You’re done!
Install your chatbot in the embed format:
The 4 first steps are the same as for the widget format.
5. Copy the code of the embed format that you'll also find in the Configure tab. Paste your code in between the opening and closing <head> tags into the theme.liquid file.
6. Custom the HTML in the div part of the code to custom your embed chatbot design on the page.
7. You're done! Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉!
If your bot isn’t showing up, try clearing your cache, and that should get it live.
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